The aim of the present study was to compare the upper limb reaction time between young athletes (boys) of table tennis and badminton. Two groups of 14 table tennis and badminton athletes (a total of 28 athletes) with a mean age of 14±1.65 and mean involvement in these sports of 5±1.32 were the sample of the study. The visual stimulus tests used to record reaction times were as follows: a) left hand simple reaction time test, b) right hand simple reaction time test, c) left hand choice reaction time test, d) right hand choice reaction time test. The tools used for the measurements were a special light sensor and other technological means. ANOVA and Duncan’s multiple range test (p<0.05) were applied for statistical data processing. The analysis of the results showed no statistically significant differences in any of the 4 tests of the athletes. The findings and the way of measuring reaction speed could be used by the athletes’ coaches to enrich and improve the training process.
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