The neuro-linguistic approach emphasizes man's behaviours as the product of neurological processes within and the experience of the external world outside. When an individual wishes to get into a desired behaviour, Neuro-linguistic Programming helps one to understand one’s current situation and gives a road map to the desired state (1). When NLP is applied in sports, mental skill training, contributes to the new desired behaviour in the form of optimal performance in their respective sports. Objective: This paper aims to examine a tailor-made NLP intervention to reduce low self-determination, poor emotional maturity, and low motivation among two university women volleyball players. Method: This study used a case study approach, and employed NLP techniques such as; collapsing anchoring, and meta-model language patterns, to help two athletes who experienced low self-determination and low motivation and found it emotionally difficult to perform in training and competition, to restructure their dysfunctional thoughts, emotions and memories. Results: The intervention showed promising improvement in helping Participant A to be more resilient and Participant B to be higher in motivation. The results obtained from the interview sessions, and through the quantitative analysis showed that the NLP intervention had successfully helped the participants to cope with dysfunctional thoughts and emotional imbalance and to bounce back. Conclusions: The NLP-based intervention, has helped the players to be more self-determined, experience much Emotional control and maturity, and increase the level of sports achievement motivation and sports resilience.
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