Immediate effect of smoking on young athletes in respect of selected physiological variables influencing aerobic performance. The purpose of this research was to investigate immediate effect of smoking on aerobic performance to promote or reject smoking before any cardiovascular endurance activity. For this experiment 16 young athletes age between 20 to 24 years with Mean age of approximately 23 years were randomly selected as subject; and for physiological variables those are closely associated with aerobic capacity were selected, Tests - i. Pulse Rate per Minute: Before Cooper Test (CT) – Immediate after completion of CT – 3 Minutes after recovery; ii. Blood Pressure in mmHg: Before CT - 3 Minutes after recovery; iii. Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) in Liters/Minute: Before CT – 3 Minutes after recovery; iv. Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) in Percentage: Before Cooper Test (CT) – Immediate after completion of CT – 3 Minutes after recovery; v. Blood Sugar in mmole/Liter: Before CT - 3 Minutes after recovery; and to find performance Cooper Test (CT) to measure Cardiovascular Endurance in Kilometer were selected. Researchers came to following conclusion out of through and judicious analysis from collected data.
- Smoking influenced on the pulse rate taken before the aerobic capacity test.
- Blood Presser level rose test taken immediate before CT test in both systolic and diastolic due to smoking cigarette.
- Lung capacity measured in FVC remarkably influenced by smoking.
- SpO2 remain in normal range before CT and 3 minutes after with smoking and without smoking but immediate after test score hit to 80% in both the conditions. No impact of smoking was recorded on O2 saturation in terms of Mean value.
- Smoking increased Blood sugar level in 3 minutes after recovery test.
- Cooper test performance scores were severely reduced by smoking.
- On Body Mass Index Smoking had very little or no impact in investigation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.520
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