This study aims to investigate and develop a questionnaire to measure athletes’ satisfaction towards sports training. This quantitative research used a structural equating modeling (SEM) approach with the help of Smart-PLS. The population of this study consisted of athletes from Yogyakarta Province, Riau Province, and South Kalimantan Province. The sample was 806 athletes from 27 sports (Table 1) who will compete at the National Sports Week (PON) 2024. PON is a multi-event tournament held every four years in Indonesia, so athletes who will compete have high experience and performance. Athletes who participated in this research were aged 22.6±8.3 years, and they had 10.3±4.7 years of training experience. Instrument preparation is done by reviewing the literature and focus group discussions (FGD) involving sports coaching lecturers and nationally licensed coaches. The results of this study are that the outer loading value is >0.7, and the discriminant validity value (Fornell-Larcker Criteria) is >0.7. Cronbach Alpha Reliability and Composite Reliability also showed > 0.7. Goodness of Fit (GoF) shows an SRMR value of 0.076<0.10 or <0.08, so the model fits the data. The predictive relevance test or Q Square is 0.9>0, so this study has a good observation value. Based on the results, the questionnaire consisted of 16 items divided into four dimensions (Appendix 1), namely the dimensions of training quality, mental and emotional health, competitive performance, and competitive experience. In conclusion, a questionnaire can measure athletes’ satisfaction towards sports training. From the results of this study, it is recommended that athletes’ sports training satisfaction variable be tested on indirect influences as mediating or intervening variables. It can also be used as a variable that strengthens or weakens (moderator). Then, it is combined with other independent and dependent variables in management, psychology, society, education, and sports. So that in the future, it can produce more comprehensive research.
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