The study set out to examine the impact of an 8-week aerobic dance programme on weight reduction of children aged 10 to 11 years in a school in the city of Chitungwiza. The focus was on the examination of whether aerobic dance programme have an impact on reducing the weight of overweight children aged 10 to 11 years. Fifty children were divided into two groups which are the experimental and control. Four instruments used for the collection of data were a bathroom scale for measuring weight, a stadiometer for height, a stopwatch for measuring time, and an aerobic dance programme as an intervention. The results show that the 8-week aerobic dance intervention has a minimal weight reduction effect on the subjects. There were very marginal chances in the weight loss and BMI of the subjects during the 8-week aerobic exercise programme. The study also concluded that despite the lack of significance in the marginal changes during the intervention, there was a positive forecast for the continued effect of aerobic dance exercise on weight reduction. The study recommends that aerobic dance exercises in children need an appropriate aerobic dance model to affect body composition in terms of reducing body weight. The research findings also indicate that the intervention for weight reduction must be done continuously for a long period, and research studies should also be directed at determining the use of waist circumference percentiles in conjunction with BMI percentiles to measure weight reduction among children and youth. The study also recommends further studies on interventions that combine aerobic dance exercise and resistance training or aerobic exercise programme combined with an appropriate dietary regime to achieve weight reduction in children.
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