Duong Ngoc Truong


The purpose of the article is to provide accurate, scientific and comprehensive information on the physical status of male athletes of the Saigon University Badminton team. The article uses document synthesis, interviews, and statistics. The research subjects included 15 male athletes of the badminton team of Saigon University. The selected results are 8 physical evaluation tests including: 20-meter sprint from a high start (seconds); standing high jump (centimeters); shuttlecock throw (centimeters); single rope jumping for 1 minute (times); lateral movement 5 times around the badminton court (seconds); forward, backward movement 5 times around the badminton court (seconds); movement around 4 corners of the badminton court 10 times (seconds); movement around 6 corners of the badminton court 10 times (seconds). The assessment results show that the testing performance of physical tests for male athletes of the Saigon University Badminton team is consistent and highly representative.


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badminton, current, fitness, player, Saigon University, Vietnam

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