Nguyen Toan Nang, Tran Nam Giao


In today's world, students who actively learn are very useful members of society. Engaging in active learning stimulates students' curiosity, and if they are curious, it will foster a positive perception of the learning process in general and specialized subjects in particular. The purpose of the study is to build a scale to apply and evaluate the current state of positivity in theoretical lessons of the research subjects. The research uses methods of synthesizing and analyzing documents, interviews and statistics. The research population included 94 students majoring in sports management at Tra Vinh University, Vietnam. The research results have built a scale to evaluate the positivity in theory lessons of the research subjects, including 35 questions in 03 groups. Eleven questions were asked about active learning in the classroom, thirteen questions were about active learning outside of the classroom, and eleven questions were about actively participating in extracurricular activities to enhance learning. In conclusion, students are currently not taking much initiative in their theoretical studies. When it comes to studying theoretical subjects, most students are neither proactive or self-conscious. This is especially true when it comes to their level of self-study outside of class, and their engagement in extracurricular activities is rarely or rarely very high.


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current situation, positive self-discipline, studying theory, student of sports management, Tra Vinh University

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