Mai Van Ngoan, Nguyen Quang Son, Le Vu Ngoc Toan, Ho Dac Nam Tran


Extracurricular sports activities are voluntary and well-organized sports activities conducted after academic hours. These activities are designed to match the interests, gender, age, and health of students, thereby allowing them to enjoy recreation and develop their sports talents. The research aims to identify the criteria for evaluating the extracurricular sports model in Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM). The study employed document synthesis, survey, interview, and statistical analysis. The participants included 12 physical education specialists and 400 students from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and the University of Science. The research has identified six quantitative and 11 qualitative evaluation criteria for the extracurricular sports activities model for VNU-HCM students.


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evaluation criteria, model, extracurricular sports, students, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City

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Copyright (c) 2024 Mai Van Ngoan, Nguyen Quang Son, Le Vu Ngoc Toan, Ho Dac Nam Tran

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