Mardin Tahseen Abdulrahman, Maan Hasan Mahmood


Lung function and respiratory muscle strength are thought to be affected by body composition. The relationships between the components of body weight and the markers of lung function, however, are generating more and more interest. There has not been much research done on how body composition factors, like lean and fat masses and their distribution, affect breathing capacity. Researchers have been studying the connection between pulmonary functions and body composition since the middle of the 1950s. There has been research on the relationship between pulmonary function and body composition, but the findings have been inconsistent. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between the body composition and respiratory muscle strength of football players. For this purpose, 12 healthy athletes participated in our study. The measurements of the participants were performed in the laboratory. Body composition measurement was carried out using a body composition analyzer with Tanita (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis). Respiratory muscle strength measurement was performed with a respiratory pressure meter. When the data were analyzed; there were no significant differences between the parameters of the participants' body composition and respiratory muscle strength parameters (p>0.05). In conclusion, it could be said that there is no significant correlation between body composition and respiratory muscle strength.


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