Ranjeet Singh Sandhu


This study evaluates and compares the fitness levels of NCC (National Cadet Corps) cadets and sports persons using the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The APFT, comprising a 2-mile run, push-up test, and sit-up test, provides a comprehensive measure of cardiovascular endurance, upper body muscular endurance, and core muscular endurance. Thirty NCC cadets and thirty sports persons were assessed to determine the differences in their fitness levels. The age of subjects ranged between 18 to 25 years. Results showed that sports persons performed significantly better in all test components compared to NCC cadets, highlighting the effectiveness of specialized sports training. The findings have implications for optimizing training programs in both military and sports settings.


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NCC cadets, sports persons, army physical fitness test, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, fitness assessment

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