adminRachel Rose Rabaya, Nicole Ponce, Jeric Escosio Suguis


This multiple case study examined the experiences of students with special needs while they took Physical Education courses at the tertiary level, exploring their challenges, coping mechanisms, and insights. The findings revealed several challenges faced by these students: limitations in participating in classroom activities, difficulties with classroom management, fear of judgment and discrimination from peers and instructors, and communication barriers. Despite these difficulties, the students managed to address them through open communication with their peers and instructors, maintaining a positive mindset and optimism, and fully accepting and adapting to their situation. This demonstrated their resilience in striving to achieve their goals. In their eagerness to reach these goals, the students also offered recommendations for institutions and educators. They suggested that institutions should provide additional facilities and equipment for students with special needs and develop programs and activities to highlight their talents and potential. They also emphasized that educators should incorporate differentiated instruction in Physical Education to offer more opportunities for students with special needs to showcase their abilities in various activities.


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student with special needs, acceptance and adaptation, classroom management, physical education courses, tertiary level

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v11i5.5617


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Copyright (c) 2024 adminRachel Rose Rabaya, Nicole Ponce, Jeric Escosio Suguis

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