Kiara Shiloh T. Jao, Germae N. Maloloy-on, Jevy Pauly Mae S. Rubio, Ivy V. Singson


This qualitative research study aims to determine the impacts of cycling on the social skills of cyclists at the University of Mindanao. It consists of research questions to know how cycling has influenced students' social skills. The descriptive-qualitative method research design was used. It is a method that collects information based on the responses of the respondents. This study focuses on all courses at the University of Mindanao; hence, a sample of 30 participants was chosen using an online interview. Moreover, we constructed interview questions that were conducted through Google Meet. The response matrix was used to collect, analyze and categorize the given data. In addition, we have transcribed the responses we came up with and categorized these codes to generate themes. Furthermore, the study's findings indicate that through cycling, a cyclist can develop these social skills: interpersonal skills, basic communication skills, greater active listening skills, provide mutual support and develop effective communication. Also, the researchers came across the different programs and approaches that the school and students would benefit from. Lastly, these skills are an essential factor because we can use them in our daily activities and create positive relationships with other people.


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cycling, social skills, cyclist

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v11i6.5650


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