Kethelen Ágata Costa Ventura, Lucas Portilho Nicoletti, Aryelle Malheiros Caruzzo, Pedro André da Silva Lins, Vinícius Denardin Cardoso


Motivation is an essential element for the development of the human being, involving emotional, biological and social phenomena and makes people give the best of themselves. It is largely responsible for initiating, directing, and maintaining behaviors related to the execution of objectives. Motivation is seen as an active intentional process, where the individual pursues a goal, and this depends on personal and environmental factors, making individuals practice action with pleasure, be part of a group, be socially accepted, concern for health, have fun and even keep fit. The objective of the study is to analyze the main reasons that lead students with disabilities to join a sport. A total of 35 persons with disabilities (15 women and 20 men) from the Paralympic Reference Center of Roraima participated in the study. Motivation was assessed using the Motivation Inventory for Regular Physical Activity – IMPRAF 54 (Balbinotti & Barbosa, 2006). This tool aims to know the motivations that lead the person to perform (or keep performing) sports activities. The results revealed that the main reasons are: 1) Sociability (65.71%); 2) Health (45.71%); and 3) Stress control (42.85%). The results demonstrate the main reasons that lead people with disabilities to seek out sports practice and may be important for improving and expanding the offerings of sports programs and projects for this population.


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motivation; disabled people; sports practice

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v11i6.5668


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