Büşra Tunadağı, Fırat Akcan


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of 8-week basic gymnastics training on the physical fitness of children aged 6-8 in terms of various biomotor characteristics. A total of 20 children (10 girls, 10 boys) voluntarily participated in the study. The children were randomly assigned to either the experimental (n=10) or control (n=10) groups. The experimental group received basic gymnastics training three days a week, while no training was provided to the control group. Before and after the study, the children’s balance, flexibility, strength, endurance, and speed were assessed using the Eurofit test battery. The tests applied included the flamingo balance test, sit-and-reach flexibility test, handgrip strength test, 30-second sit-up test, vertical jump test, standing long jump test, medicine ball throw, and 20-meter sprint. The findings of the study revealed that children in the experimental group showed significant improvements in all biomotor tests (p<0.05). In the control group, significant improvements were observed only in the flamingo balance test, sit-and-reach flexibility test, and 30-second sit-up test (p<0.05). Comparisons between the groups indicated significant differences in favor of the experimental group in all parameters except the standing long jump. In conclusion, it was found that basic gymnastics training positively affects the physical fitness of children aged 6-8 and leads to significant improvements in their biomotor skills.


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basic gymnastics, biomotor skills, children, Eurofit test battery, physical fitness

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