Dann Ian G. Broa, Danilo G. Baradillo


The Dynamic Anxiety and Neuro-Behavioral Regulation Outcome in Collegiate Athletes (DANBROA) Theory presents a comprehensive framework to understand the complex interplay of factors influencing sports anxiety in collegiate athletes. Grounded in qualitative research, the DANBROA Theory identifies key elements shaping anxiety experiences: self-perception, social dynamics, coping strategies, and reflective practices. It emphasizes a dynamic feedback loop, where pre-competition anxiety, performance execution, and post-competition reflection continuously influence one another. This cyclical process highlights the evolving nature of sports anxiety and its impact on athletic performance. The theory posits that athletes with positive self-perception, supportive social environments, and effective coping mechanisms can harness sports anxiety as a source of motivation. At the same time, those lacking these resources may experience detrimental effects. The DANBROA framework underscores the importance of addressing internal (self-belief, mindset) and external (team dynamics, audience expectations) factors in managing sports anxiety. Implications for practice include the development of interventions to enhance resilience and sports performance. The theory offers a foundation for future research to explore further individual differences, cultural influences, and the effectiveness of anxiety management strategies in diverse athletic contexts.


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sports anxiety, collegiate athletes, DANBROA theory, performance feedback loop, mental health in sports

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v11i7.5713


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