Taner Günebakan, Önder Dağlıoğlu


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different strength training on anaerobic power, speed and functional movement screen test scores in young football players. A total of 22 male football players between the ages of 18-22 who were doing regular football training participated in the study voluntarily. Participants were divided into two different groups as experimental (n:11 age: 20.15±1.77) and control group (n:11 age: 21.47±1.96) by random method. Different strength training sessions were applied to the experimental group 3 days a week for 6 weeks. Both groups continued their regular season football training. Core training and plyometric training programs were applied to the experimental group as strength training methods. Anaerobic power, speed and functional movement screen test scores were measured before and after training. A vertical jump test was applied to measure the anaerobic power of the subjects. A 30-meter test was applied for speed. Functional Movement Screen test kit was used to measure functional movement screen test scores. The SPSS 22.0 package program was used to obtain statistical results. Shapiro-Wilk test was applied for the normality test. A Paired Samples T-test was used to compare intragroups. Independent Samples T Test was applied for statistical evaluation between groups. The significance level was determined as p<0.05. A positive improvement was found in the anaerobic power, speed and functional movement screen test scores of the experimental group after different strength training programs. As a result, it can be said that a 6-week different strength training program applied to young football players has a positive effect on anaerobic power, speed and functional movement screen test scores.


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football, strength training, anaerobic power, speed, functional movement screen

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