Sleep quality has been linked to mental and physical wellness, as well as the quality of life of an individual. Academic self-control pertains to a person's self-control behavior patterns in the academic setting. Thus, this study aims to see whether sleep quality can affect the academic self-control of CTE students. The data of this study came from randomly selected 330 CTE students from 1st-year to 4th-year level and was collected using a descriptive correlational design with a quota sampling method. Mean, standard deviation and Pearson's correlation were used as statistical techniques. A Cronbach Alpha was utilized to test the reliability of the data. The study found that the independent variable decreased and the dependent variable increased, which indicated that sleep quality and academic self-control are negatively correlated and have a significant relationship as sleep serves as a resource for recovering from self-control exertion. Having sufficient sleep is conducive to replenishing the individual's capacity for self-regulation, enabling one to manage emotions effectively. Improved quality of sleep has been proposed as a potential modulator for augmenting positive affect and mitigating failures of self-control, which can significantly affect the academic self-control of CTE students.
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