Gideon I. Juezan, Porferia S. Poralan


This study examined the influence of sleep behavior and proper dietary behavior on recovery-stress levels among student-athletes in the Davao Region. A mixed methods approach, specifically an explanatory sequential design, was used. Quantitative data were gathered using adapted and validated survey questionnaires; respondents were chosen through stratified random sampling, while qualitative data were collected through in-depth interviews (IDI) and focus group discussions (FGD) with student-athletes who were selected purposively. The findings revealed that student-athletes' sleep behavior and dietary habits were rated moderate, while recovery stress was rated high. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between dietary behavior and recovery-stress but there was no strong direct correlation between sleep behavior and recovery-stress. However, qualitative data highlighted that proper sleep played a significant  role in reducing stress and enhancing recovery. In an individual capacity, proper dietary behavior emerged as a stronger predictor of recovery-stress among student-athletes. The combined influence of sleep and dietary behaviors highlights their importance in managing stress levels, supporting overall well-being, and enhancing athletic performance. The joint display shows connecting confirming and connecting diverging nature of quantitative and qualitative data.


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education, student-athletes, recovery-stress, sleep behavior, dietary behavior, explanatory sequential design, Philippines

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