Işıl Aktağ, Gülsen Özcan, Mert Gürer


The purpose of this investigation is to reveal the drive for muscularity and exercise dependence of individuals who do physical activities for at least a year. 126 women and 214 men were recruited from gyms in Bolu. The ages of the participants ranged from 18 to 40. The Drive for Muscularity Scale was used, which was created by McCreary and Sasse in 2000 and translated to Turkish by Yıldız in 2015. To measure exercise dependency of individuals, the Exercise Dependency Scale developed by Tekkurşun et al., in 2018 was used. In the result of this survey, a positive, moderately significant relationship was noticed between the drive to be muscular and exercise dependence, additionally, gender, sports history, weekly exercise duration, age and type of exercise were also correlated to the desire for individuals who exercise to be muscular and exercise dependency. Likewise, a significant difference in exercise dependencies was determined. Furthermore, it was concluded that 14% to 24% of the factors related to exercise addiction may be explained by the desire to be muscular. At the exercise dependence scores in our study in general, we may say that individuals are evaluated as “normal” in all independent variables except for one sub-dimension.


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drive for muscularity, exercise dependence, gender, age, exercise duration, exercise types

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