Ching-Hui Lin, Ying-Wan Chuang, Kuo-Wei Lin


The purpose of this study was to investigate the motivation of students in high school vocational physical education classes in Taoyuan City towards the athletic excellence of Yuan Ze University and their plans for further education and to analyze the influence of these factors on students' choices for further education. The target population of the study was students with physical education classes in public and private high schools in Taoyuan City, and the data were collected through a questionnaire survey. 200 questionnaires were distributed, and 150 valid questionnaires were eventually collected, with a recovery rate of 93%. As a result, 68.6% of the participants were male and 31.4% were female. ii. In terms of academic performance, the ranking of students was mainly concentrated in the top five. In terms of academic motivation, the majority of the students had a positive attitude towards their studies, with 67.8% of the students being average. In terms of the source of information for the athletic performance test, teachers and coaches recommended the most students, totaling 110 students, accounting for 72.4%. The main reason why students chose to study at Yuan Ze University was the recommendation from teachers and coaches. After entering Yuan Ze University, most students 58 students or 38.2%, planned to continue practicing and continue their athletic performance. The most popular course was the Bachelor of Management, with 45 students, 29.8%. It is an important reference value for the future counseling of athletes on further education and the formulation of related policies. It is expected to provide athletes with more comprehensive support and guidance on further education and to help athletes find a balance between sports and academics, and make wise choices in further education.


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high school vocational, physical education classes, motivation, college planning, program requirements

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v12i1.5778


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Copyright (c) 2025 Ching-Hui Lin, Ying-Wan Chuang, Kuo-Wei Lin

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