Emre Özdoğan, Atakan Çağlayan


The study aimed to examine the effects of unstable ground training on the speed and vertical jump of young female handball players between the ages of 11-14. While 20 participants who trained regularly at a handball club in the central district of Kastamonu province participated in the study as the Study Group (WG), 20 participants from the same club participated as the Control Group (CG). While the study group was given a training program and routine handball training on unstable grounds 3 days a week for 8 weeks, the control group continued only routine handball training for 8 weeks. Statistical analyzes of the data were made with SPSS v.22 and Statistica package programs. Paired Samples Analysis was used for intra-group comparisons, and the Independent Samples T Test was used for inter-group comparisons. The differences in the results obtained from inter-group comparisons were taken, the results were re-evaluated, and the analyzes were recorded. The significance value of the data was accepted as p<0.05.


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unstable, handball, vertical jump, speed

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