Maryam Rahmani, Ali Mohammad Amirtash


The aim of this study is to identify Prioritization and compare the factors of creating demand in the Premier League volleyball. The study, in terms of how data were collected, was a descriptive survey. The sample consisted on 340 members of Premier League of volleyball and sports management experts. To collect data from field, a standard questionnaire Bion and colleagues (2010) was used, questionnaire with 17 questions on a Likert scale of five components that measures market demand. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Friedman test and independent t-test) with the help of software SPSS (version 18) was used. The results showed that, in order to promote factors, the opposing team, economic considerations, planning and other team are the most important factors of demand in the Premier League volleyball. It is recommended a planning of organizing policies and an adjustment of their actions based on the Prioritization of volleyball using marketing efforts of qualified personnel or consultants in order to see a growing presence of spectators in the Premier League Volleyball.


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market demand, promote, the opposing team, economic considerations, planning, home team


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