This study aims to determine the relationship of either single or double among the variables of body body height, arm length, arm muscle strength and leg power in the ability of free throw shoot of women athletes in Yogyakarta and how big the contribution from each of these variables. This study uses descriptive method with correlation analysis techniques. The population was woman basketball athletes in Yogyakarta who has done several games, and there were 106 people. The variables of this study consist of four independent variables they were body height, arm length, arm muscle strength and leg power. And the dependent variable was the ability of free throw shoot. All data required in this study were obtained through tests and measurements of each variable. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis by testing normality, linearity and testing the hypothesis which were a correlation analysis of each predictor, partial correlation analysis and regression analysis assisted by SPSS 20.0. The results showed that each variable of body height, arm length and arm muscle strength had a positive relationship with the ability of free throw shoot. As for the leg power, do not have a positive relationship. The contribution of each independent variable on the dependent variable as follows: 53.5% body height, arm length by 15.4%, arm muscle strength at 7.1%. The conclusions obtained from this study were from the four variables of body height, arm length, arm muscle strength and leg power, there were only three variables which contributed: body height, arm length and arm muscle strength.
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