This study aims to find out: (1) The differences of effects between recovery of contrast bath and pre neuromuscular facilitation methods of post-anaerobic interval training to lactic acid levels, (2) The differences in lactic acid levels between high VO2max and low VO2max, and (3) The effects on the interactions between recovery method and VO2max to lactic acid levels. The sample was male students of basketball extracurricular SMAN 4 Surakarta collected using purposive random sampling techniques. The data were then analyzed using Two-way ANOVA at a significance level of 5%, as data obtained previously must meet the required tests which include normality test and homogeneity test. It can be concluded that (1) there are differences in the effect of recovery contrast bath method and PNF to the lactic acid levels. Recovery of contrast bath method has an average value of decreased lactic acid levels of 4.58, while stretching pre neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) method is 3.91. The hypothesis test indicates that Ho is rejected in which the value of P <α (0.00> 0.05) with Fobservation of 25.74. (2) There are differences in lactic acid levels between students who have high VO2max and low VO2max. The group with high VO2max has an average value of 4.48, while the group with low VO2max has an average value of 4.01. The hypothesis test of Ho is rejected in which the value of P <α (0.001> 0.05) with Fobservation of 12.74. (3) There is no interaction effects between recovery method using contrast bath and PNF with VO2max in lactic acid levels, in which the hypothesis test of Ho is accepted with P value > α (0.57> 0.05) with Fobservation of 0.31.
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