The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between leadership style (LS) and emotional intelligence (EI) of coaches in selected team sports in universities of Sanandaj (Iran). An applied-correlational descriptive-survey method was used. Statistical population included all male and female coaches in sports chosen from volleyball and handball in universities of Sanandaj during the 2014-2015 academic year (n=58). Whole subjects were selected as the sample. Two questionnaires of Emotional Intelligence (Syber Yashring), and leadership style (L.S.S) were used to collect data. Research reliability was determined with Cronbach's alpha test for intelligence emotional (α=0.824) and leadership style (α=0.718) questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out through Kolmogorov–Smirnov test in order to determine normal distribution for data. Moreover, person’s correlation coefficient test was applied to measure research hypothesis. Result of Pearson's test showed that there was relatively positive relationship between leadership style of "positive feedback" and coaching emotional intelligence in selected team sports (r=0.275, p=0.036). However, there was no significant relationship between other leadership styles and emotional intelligence (p> 0.05). Due to significant relationship between some factors of emotional intelligence and leadership styles, it is recommended to consider emotional intelligence competencies to select team coaches, in addition to alternative coaching skills. Also, training courses before holding sports events may be established to enhance emotional intelligence of coaches, as the emotional intelligence abilities can be educated.
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