The purpose this study is to compare the mental health of single-field and team athletes, non-athletes, and MA with Ph.D. students. To this end 135 single-field athletes and 69 team athletes who were all students were selected as sample. The methodology adopted is causative-comparative and field work. The research population consists of all the students in Tarbiat Modares University. The population of its non-athletes is 6032 and that of athletes 298. On the basis of Morgan table, 680 non-athletes and 204 athletes who were in the university team were selected as the statistical sample. The instrument used in this study was General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). The statistical analysis used to compare groups was Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whittney U was used for two by two comparisons of groups. The results show there is no significant difference between the mental health scales of the single-field and team athletes. The single-field athletes in all scales and team athletes in general mental health scale and physical signs/social function disorder differed significantly from non-athletes in a way that single-field athletes and team athletes appeared to be mentally more healthy than non-athletes. Compare other MA and Ph.D. students in their mental health. Results revealed a significant difference between the groups in their general mental health and the two subscales of physical signs and social function disorder in a way that Ph.D. students turned out to have more mental health than M.A students.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Siavash Khodaparast Sareshkeh, Sajjad Soleimani Keshayeh, Vahid Bakhshalipour, Majid Keramati Moghadam

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