The goal of this research was identifying mixed elements of sport's marketing in public and private sport places from the point of view of female athletes. This research was descriptive in the case of method, in the sort of survey. In the term of time, it was sectional and in the term of aim, it was practical and in the term of data collecting, it was athletics. Population of this research was female athletes of Sanandaj city, in the sports of physical readiness, bodybuilding and swimming. Criteria of selecting of these trebles based on age, club's membership history, insurance history and gender, so that in the term of the age, only people over 18 years, in the term of membership, people who were registered for 6 months and in the term of insurance, only those who have insurance history in general administer of sport of Sanandaj city could participate and in the term of the age only female gender.
According on insurance history of females, in general administer of sport and youth, number of this people was over 3500 and based on it, for determine samples, we used Krejcle Mugger table. Research' sample size was 246 that were selected accessibly for replying to questionnaires. So first, a questionnaire had designed that checked out mixed marketing based on other template questionnaire. Freidman examine got choose for examining hypotheses. It should be noted that SPSS software ver. 22 and Larsel software ver. 8.80 were used for analysing data’s and, also, confidence level in this research was 95 percent Results showed that marketing mixes includes protection, promotion, distributing, production, people, process, price and physical evidence. Generally, if factors which have effect on decision of customers for choosing gyms get used by mixed marketing approaches, marketers will be able to design better strategies on gym's management. And also, bring more customers that has a lot of financial interests for club.
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