The goal of this research is prioritizing mixed elements of sport marketing in public and private sport places from the point of view of female athletes of Sanandaj city. This research is descriptive in kind of survey, in the term of time it was sectional, in the term of goal it was practical and in the term of the collecting data it was athletic. Population of this research was female athletes of Sanandaj city in sports of bodybuilding, physical readiness and swimming. These triables got choose based on age, club membership history, insurance history and gender. Based on age, only those who were over 18 could participate and in the term of insurance history, those who had 6-month insurance history in sport administration, could participate and in the term of gender were only female. Based on insurance history, number of these people was about 3500, so for determining sample volume, Krejcie and Muger-Landeh's table got used. Sample size that estimated by this way, was 246 participants that in order to responding to questionnaire, selected manually. So first a questionnaire that was about mixed marketing designed based on theoretical foundations and template questionnaires. For examining statistical hypothesis, Freedman’s examination got used. Noted that in this research, SPSS software version 22 and Lisrel software version 8.8 were used for analysing information. Therefore, confidence level in this research was 95 percent. The results showed that mixed marketing includes supporting, promoting, distribution, product, process, price, people and physical evidences and in this part, results showed that in point of view of female athletes of Sanandaj city, people, physical evidences, price, supporting, promoting, distribution, product and process were respectively their important preferences. Totally, if the effective factors on customer's decisions in selecting sport clubs by using mixed marketing approach were clear, sport marketers will be able to design better marketing strategies in order to managing clubs. Also, consequently bring more customers to club, that it has many financial benefits for that club.
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