Brand is strategically valuable to organizations. The aim of this study was to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Foolad Khuzestan Club based on brand associations. Due to limitation of the research statistical population of all the senior managers of the club, were all 15 persons the sample was considered equal to the society using the statistical sampling method. In order to collect data, the association’s questionnaire of brand the Ross (2006) was used. The justifiability of questionnaire was confirmed by five of sport management professors and its reliability was 0.85 achieved by Cronbach's alpha method. Binomial and Friedman test were used to analyze data. At the end a 20 items significant was obtained from 53 items in questionnaire which include, 10 strengths, 4 weakness, 4, opportunities and 2 threats. The findings according to Friedman test (x2-39.23, Pvalue-0.05) showed that great efforts of club management for success, is the most important strength and the low fan interaction competitions, is the most important weakness and the most important opportunity is the low opponents readiness to confront the club and spending money by the club arrivals to hire a coach, is the most important threat. In general, and with regard to the number of internal and external factors for the club brand, this can be acknowledged that Foolad Khuzestan’s club is currently in a right position, and its offered that in order to maintain and improve this position the club had better to develop and implement some strategies with considering the achieved internal and external factors.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Mahtab Khanmohamadi, Abdolrahman Mehdipour, Sedighe Heydarinejad, Amin Khatibi

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