The aim of this study was to compare the longitudinal arch of the foot male elite athletes and non-athletes in swimming and track and field. Since the researchers based on the facts, available research and variable already exist in the sample were imported by the researcher. This study was causal-comparative field-descriptive. The population of this research was an was chosen from elite athletes branch man who has 5 years of experience in swimming and athletics who has professional training and non-athletes. People students participating in public physical education course in the second semester of the academic year enrolled 2014-15 were included. A statistical sample study of 80 elite was chosen between male athletes in swimming and track and field. 20 individuals were chosen from each. And 20, as well were chosen between non-athletes. The students participating in physical education classes Unit 1 Shahrekord University 2014-15 in the second semester of the academic year (as a control) were selected randomly. Foot arch height ratio method to measure samples Navi was used. For comparing, the average height of the navicular to the bottom of the third group; one-way ANOVA and to determine the correlation between BMI and height ratio Navi Pearson correlation coefficient was used in seven groups. The results showed that significant differences between the study groups were observed in the foot arch index. The results showed that the mean height of the vessel during athletes' samples showed different disciplines (swimming and running) there is a significant difference with non-athletes.
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