Students in physical education (PE) classes traditionally do not meet national recommendations of 50% moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) within lessons. Information regarding the accrual of vigorous physical activity (VPA) is also sparse. Recent evidence suggests that lessons delivered via the Tactical Games Model (TGM) can provide a context where students can achieve national MVPA recommendations and accrue significant amounts of VPA. However, evidence is limited on how the type of game (Frisbee/badminton) and/or game category (invasion/net-wall) may affect opportunities for students MVPA/VPA accrual. The purpose of this study was to investigate how MVPA/VPA varied as a function of game type/category when preservice physical education teachers PSPET’s taught TGM lessons. Participants were PSPET’s at one Mid-Western University (N=24) who learned to use TGM in one university-based course within their Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program. As part of the course, each PSPET taught one TGM lesson within invasion (lacrosse and Frisbee) and net/wall (badminton and pickleball) games. 24 lessons were delivered in total (n = 6 from each game). Lesson context and teacher behavior data were collected. PSPET’s wore ActigraphGTX3® triaxial accelerometers to collect MVPA/VPA data. TGM fidelity was established (Metzler, 2011). Lesson context and teacher behavior data were analyzed descriptively. PA data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Lesson context data showed that teachers spent most of their time in game play, followed by skill practice. Results from accelerometry revealed that PSPET’s did not reach national MVPA recommendations during any of the sessions focused on the different games types. VPA was also lower than recorded in previous studies. PSPET’s accrued greater levels of MVPA/VPA in invasion games.
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