Today, organizations in a dynamic environment, ambiguous and changing are active and need to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of market orientation on the impact of organizational performance on internal marketing of department of sport and youth Khuzestan province. This study is correlational and applied. The study population consisted of 313 members of the General Administration of Sport and Youth Khuzestan province.200 people randomly, were selected for the sample. Standard Instrument Research of Awwad & Agti (2011) was used. Its validity was confirmed by experienced teachers. Cronbach's alpha values for internal marketing variables 0.848, organizational performance 0.940, and orientation 0.939 were measured. Descriptive statistical methods to describe the demographic data and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data; Correlation and structural equation modeling techniques were used. All statistical procedures were performed under application 21spss and Amos 18. The results showed: internal marketing directly and by mediating of market orientation has a significant positive impact on organizational performance. Market orientation directly has a positive and meaningful impact on organizational performance. These results represent a continuum in the organization therefore the organization is managed according to internal marketing, optimize its market orientation and in this way Improve agency performance is guaranteed. The model presented in this study in order to gain competitive advantage in the organization will be able to improve the organization's performance in the lead.
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