The objective of this research was designing the student’s sports development strategy in Kermanshah University. The type of this research is a survey which was carried out as field study and analyzed with a descriptive method. The statistical population included managers, experts in physical education and faculty members of Kermanshah University. The sample of research were selected through enumeration answered to 75 questionnaires. The tools for data collection are open and close questionnaires who some professors and experts confirmed the validity of these questionnaires. The reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha with the coefficient of 0.89. As well as interviews with the population of the research took place as much as the saturation comments in order to recognized mission statement, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The obtained information was concluded according to the comments of The Strategic Council 7 strengths 9 weaknesses, 8 opportunities, and 7 ultimate threat. The Kolmogorov - Smirnov test was used to verify the normal distribution of data. To analyze the data, in addition to descriptive indicators of the Friedman test also internal and external assessment matrix was used. According to the final score of 2.79 the matrix of internal factors and the score 2.22 the matrix of external factors and the necessary calculations the strategic position of competitive sport of Kermanshah University was identified. By using analysis matrix of SWOT, the strategies of WT, four strategies of WO, five strategies of ST, five strategies of SO, in total 17 strategies was identified.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Bahieh Zarei, Mozhgan Khodamoradpoor, Sattar Rezaei

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