The availability of precise, relevant, timely and new information increases the speed and precision of decision making. The objective of present study is to examine the association between office automation, improvement of decision-making and productivity of employees of Youth and Sport offices of West Azerbaijan Province. The statistical population of present study consists of 130 employees of Youth and Sport offices of West Azerbaijan Province selected through simple random sampling. The statistical instrument of present study consists of two standard questionnaire of office automation and improvement of decision-making and productivity. To analyze data were used descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson correlation). The results of preset study show that there is a positive association between the items of office automation and improvement of decision-making and productivity of employees of Youth and Sport offices.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Mostafa Mostafa pour, Ali Amini, Vadoud Shoshtary, Auoub Izadi, Yousef Esmayilian, Fatemeh Salami, Bager Khakpour

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