The purpose of this research was to impact of Office Automation on self-efficacy in staffs of sport and youth of west Azerbaijan. The method of this research in terms of goal was practical and in terms of gathering data is correlation descriptive which has been done as field research. The data population includes all employees of sport and youth of west Azerbaijan (n=160). And the sampling method of the study was random stratified and Morgan table was used to determine the sample size which 125 people randomly selected as sample. The questionnaires of the study were Adel Office Automation questionnaire (2008), and Sherer self-efficiency (1982) which content and face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 10 experts. To determine the reliability the questionnaire was distributed between 30 people of population based on data obtained through Cranach's alpha this amount is for Office Automation questionnaire α=0.78, self-efficiency α=0.88 which indicates the reliability of the questionnaire. Kolomogrov-Smirnov statistical models, Pearson test and linear regression by using SPSS software version 22 were used for inferential analysing of findings and testing hypotheses. According to Pearson test there is no meaningful and positive relationship between office automation and self-efficiency in staffs of sport and youth of west Azerbaijan.
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