The aim of this study was to find the relationship between personality dimensions and legal power on Youth and Sport of West Azerbaijan Province. This is a descriptive-relationship research. Population in this research is all experts of Youth and Sports of West Azerbaijan province (N=96n). The sample size was selected because of the limited number of population by the total number of individuals. Among them 85 people were selected randomly. The tool measuring questionnaire personality dimensions Costa and McCrae (1985) and Hinkin power sources and Shraikhim (1989). Validity was confirmed by professors and experts in the field of sport management. Reliability using Cronbach alpha coefficient personality dimensions Costa and McCrae (1985) a=0.90 and questionnaire Hinkin power supplies and Schrieshim (1989) α=0.93. To analyze the data, 16.5 SPSS software package was used to perform descriptive and inferential statistics. In inferential statistics, check for normal distribution of data Kolomogrov-Smirnov test and Spearman correlation test was used. The results showed that there is no significant relationship in the relationship between personality dimensions and legal power in Youth and Sports West Azerbaijan province (0.830).
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