Warm-ups which elicit a post activation potentiation (PAP) effect may increase performance in subsequent activities requiring strength and power. However, finding practical methods to best manipulate and exploit PAP remains elusive. Purpose: To determine if a warm-up that included weighted jumps would elicit a PAP effect and increase subsequent vertical jump (VJ) height. Methods: Ten female NCAA Division II volleyball players participated (age = 19.8 ± 1.8 yrs; mass = 71.7 ± 9.7 kg; ht = 167.8 ±23.9 cm). Two warm-up conditions were randomly employed: 1) light jogging, high knees, carioca, shuffling, ankle pops, pogos, and tuck jumps; and 2) an identical warm-up, plus 10 maximal VJs while wearing 20% of bodyweight. At 4-minutes post, VJ was randomly assessed in two conditions: 1) 2-hand standing block VJ (SBVJ), and 2) 1-hand 3-step approach VJ (AVJ). Paired Samples T-test determined if there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in VJ height between the two conditions. Results: Results were mixed. No significant difference (p > 0.05) occurred in the SBVJ (262.1 vs. 263.0 cm, warm-up vs. warm-up with weight vest, respectively). However, the AVJ was significantly higher by 2.7±1.5 cm (p < 0.05; 275.1±13.2 vs. 277.8±13.2 cm) with the weight vest added to their warm-up. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that a dynamic warm-up with the addition of weighted jumps may increase 3-step AVJ ability in female collegiate volleyball players. However, no effect was seen in 2-hand SBVJ ability. Coaches may consider using a warm-up that includes weighted jumps to optimize performance in sports like volleyball where vertical jumps with an approach are key components of competition.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.947
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Copyright (c) 2017 N. Deneke, T. G. Sevene, M. DeBeliso, R. Luke, J. M. Berning, K. J. Adams

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