The aim of this study was to Regression Analysis of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Youth and Sports Departments of Kermanshah Province. The population included 148 employees and experts of General Administration of Sport in Kermanshah province that were randomly selected and evaluated using by three questionnaires: Nifeh's (2001) assessing organizational learning, Abtahi and Salvati's (2006) of knowledge management and a third questionnaire of organizational citizenship behavior and, using Regression in level of P<0.05 were analyzed. The results showed that three components of organizational learning, knowledge management and organizational citizenship behavior are in a desirable status at General Administration of Sport of Kermanshah province; also, there is a significant relationship between the components of the research. According to the findings above, it can be concluded that by providing appropriate opportunities for professional growth and increase their public information and responsible participation in organizational learning and political life cycle of an organization, we can strengthened organizational support and encourage employees and managers to participate actively in the organizations meetings, to provide and receive constructive suggestions, and through improving the effectiveness of units and organizational, also improving the quality of administrative services to be participate in their organization efficiency growth.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Hekmat Angazi, Zahra Keshtmand, Masud Moradi

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