Çağatay Dereceli, Hüseyin Kırımoğlu, Mehmet Dallı


This study focused on reviewing trait anger and level of anger expression styles of students who studied atSchoolofPhysical Educationand Sports of Adnan Menderes University during 2016-2017 academic year in terms of some variables. As data collection tools; “Personal Information Form” and “Trait Anger and Anger Expression Scale” –designed by Spielberger et al. (1988) and adapted by Özer (1994) into Turkish- were employed. Participants’ trait anger and anger expression styles were compared in relation to sex, education type (daytime education vs. evening education), playing sports, sportive branches and academic departments. The population of the study was composed of a total of 981 participants who studied at the school of physical education and sports of Adnan Menderes University during 2016-2017 academic year; 633 of whom were male students while 348 of them were female students. Sample of the study was composed of a total of 541 SPES students; 351 of whom were male students while 190 of them were female students. The analyses of the data were analyzed with SPSS 22.0 statistical software. As a result of the normality test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov - Shapiro-Wilk) done at p<0.05 inorder to explore whether or not data followed a normal distribution; it was determined that data did not follow a normal distribution. For the analyses of the data that did not follow a normal distribution; Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Tests were performed at p<0.05 for the differences among the  groups and thus findings of the study were found. As a result; it was identified that no generalizations about anger and anger expression styles could be made for the participant students of the School of Physical Education and Sports of Adnan Menderes University in terms of sex variable but anger levels of male students were higher, participation in physical education, physical activities and recreational activities reduced anger level, students of recreation department demonstrated higher level of anger as compared to students of other academic departments, sedentary life styles elevated anger level and anger level did not differ in terms of playing team sports or individual sports.


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anger, anger expression style, university, sports


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