The aim of this study was to reveal the factors that constraints and facilitators health and fitness club members in Ankara to attend the leisure activities. The population for the research consists of large-scale health and fitness club members in Ankara. Research samples include 389 participants of 190 (Mage= 31.26; SD= 8.86) women and 199 (Mage= 31.31, SD= 9.06) men selected with convenience sampling method from four large-scale health and fitness club members in Ankara. Leisure Constraint Questionnaire was used in the study to determine the participants’ constraints and Leisure Facilitators Scale to determine the facilitators they face while attending leisure activities. It was determined that though the health and fitness club users have constraints on leisure activity attendance, they use the facilitators to a considerable extent. While the most significant facilitators that enable the participants to attend the leisure activities were the intrapersonal facilitators, the least significant ones were interpersonal facilitators. When the constraints were analysed, the participants were seen to face these, the most on facility level and the least on lack of interest level. It was concluded that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between the participants’ leisure constraints and facilitators, and also between the sub dimensions of the scales. This matter shows that the participants face constraints during leisure attendance but still attend or continue using the facilitators.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.998
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