Scoring language learners’ writing exams is a difficult task for graders since many task-relevant or irrelevant variables such as the user-friendliness of the rubric, difficulty of the task, students’ handwriting or grader characteristics (being too lenient or harsh) are involved in the process. To be able to gain valid and reliable scores, studying the variables that affect scoring procedures and seeking ways to control and minimize them are crucial concerns for institutions in order to assure their learners that their assigned scores are genuine and given in the least subjective way that could be possible. That is why analysing grader attitudes while scoring and identifying the stringent and lenient graders in the rater-pool is important not only to be able to set the best matches of graders where multiple scorings or cross-marking sessions are applied but for making those raters be aware of their scoring habits. In this exploratory study, 6 writing graders who had more than 10-year-expertise in grading writing voluntarily scored 20 student essays including two separate tasks. MFRM (Many Faceted Rasch Measurement) was used to explore graders’ marking behaviours and discover how those behaviours affect test scores of language learners. Finally, results of the study showed that graders, while they all used the same rubric and had enough expertise in grading, have significant score differences and a significant level of stringency in scoring essays.
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