The present study investigated the effect of collaborative strategic reading on the Iranian EFL students’ achievements in English reading comprehension and vocabulary. To this cause, a true experimental design was utilized to examine the differences in students’ achievements in reading comprehension and vocabulary gain under two different treatments of collaborative strategic reading and traditional instruction. A sample of QPT was conducted to check the general language proficiency of students and save their homogeneity. Forty students were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. Two pretests of reading comprehension and vocabulary were also administrated to know their initial levels of the skills. The experimental group received instruction on reading comprehension and vocabulary via collaborative strategic reading. The control group, however, received the usual processes of teaching reading comprehension and vocabulary. Two posttests of reading comprehension and vocabulary were administered to the both groups. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The findings showed that providing collaborative strategic reading affected the students' reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in the experimental group. The findings can be beneficial to teachers to favor pair or group work on the grounds that it forces participation and offers more opportunities for language use.
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