Sejdi Gashi


In this paper, I treated inclusive overview on Istog’s linguistic areal. Observed linguistic areal, contains material of interest for inter-linguistic contemplation and comparison, because this speech, like many Albanian speeches, in the stream of time, in contact with Turkish, Serbian and other languages, has built borrowing reports with these languages. On the other hand, borrowings from Slavic and Turkish language, have offered the opportunity to benefit new lexical units, thanks to the presence of many word-forming tools, particularly suffixes. However, in the phonetic system, morphological and syntactic of the observed linguistic areal, the impact of these languages has not been powerful so much. Collecting dialectic materials from Istog with surroundings, systematization and their analyses represents a documentation that enables the reconstruction of the history of the Albanian language in these areas, so this activity is of particular importance.


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Istog with surroundings, phonetics, lingual borrowings, word formation, Podgur area, dialectology

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