In our study, we examine the compelling reason and the ancient Greek tradition as method of argumentation as this was born and cultivated in the Rhetoric art at the 5th to 4th century BC. We implement the implications of its use in the teaching and learning of Greek as a second or foreign language in everyday life and at school. The most important orators including Demosthenes, Lysias, Aeschinus and Isocrates are our examples for creating teaching tools for our teaching suggestions. Aristotle as a philosopher, teacher and orator inspired scholars from around the world and he is also included in this suggestion. Especially, on the occasion of the year in honor of Aristotle in 2016, we refer to an example inspired from his work for our didactics in Greek language applications. Today, the Greek educational system includes argumentation and the Rhetoric art as part of its curriculum in primary and secondary education. The aim and idea is to teach students how to think, to ponder, to justify and document their views, to argue and learn a foreign language with the help of teachers who are scientifically trained for this role. This article aims to highlight the value of persuasion and the power that is why not only the justification and documentation but a view and use arguments with which to convince his interlocutor in the teaching of Greek as a second or foreign language.
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