Achmad Yani, Siti Sara Binti Haji Ahmad


The purpose of this research is to identify the suitability of Arabic curriculum content in Borneo by taking a case study in Muhammadiyah Nursing College (STIKES) Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This research applies communicative approach as the measurement. The reason of choosing Muhammadiyah Nursing College (STIKES) Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia as the case study is because the researchers think that Arabic is an interesting and a new subject to be taught in this college. The method of the research is a qualitative evaluative method. This method is chosen because it is appropriate with the type of the research that tries to evaluate the Arabic curriculum content in Muhammadiyah Nursing College (STIKES) Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The method gets the researchers to collect data by interviewing a lecturer who teach Arabic in the college, and he is the only one lecturer which teaches Arabic in the college. The data is also collected by reviewing the textbook for lecturing, entitled “Silsilah Al-Arabiyah Baina Yadaik”. The researchers find out many advantages and disadvantages of the arabic content curriculum as the result of the research. The advantages are: 1) the curriculum content of Arabic that is taught in Muhammadiyah Nursing College (STIKES) Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia (STIKES) is covered four language skills, namely: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. 2) As the curriculum content also starts from the easy to the hard one, 3) while from the cultural view, the content is considered to be in accordance with Islamic teachings and morals. Meanwhile the disadvantages of the curriculum are: 1) mostly, the curriculum content is only focused on reading skill, and less in other skills such as: listening, writing, and speaking. Whereas, a good language curriculum content should cover the four skills in balance, 2) mostly, the book content refers to the culture and the customs of Arabian, whereas it will be more memorable in teaching language if the content also contains local culture and customs that enclose to students’ life.


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