This research investigates the students' perspectives on using educational games in a language classroom in the conduct of Remedial Instruction among English students in the School of Education (SOE) during the first semester of AY 2018-2019 at Emilio Aguinaldo College. It summarizes games as useful tools in language classrooms. The investigation utilizes a small-scale research documentary analysis wherein former studies were compared, analyze and reflected on. To validate the qualitative questionnaire, a random interview was conducted to find out if games are relevant, suitable, and effective in grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and among other language skills. It resulted to students suggestions of some useful classroom games. The outcomes further show that educational games could be applied mostly in spelling, vocabulary, grammar, writing, and reading, listening and speaking. However, not all games are applicable to all types of college students. It is additionally perceived that there could be numerous educational games that may increase collaboration and creativity among learners. They pointed out that they tend be beneficial or well-adjusted with the support of other available teaching methods. Generally, respondents show positive attitude towards using games in language classrooms. It is recommended that teachers should consider factors such as students’ different learning styles with sensitivity, creativity and flexibility to sustain higher engagement.
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