El-Hussein A. Y. Aly


This study aims at exploring learners and teachers’ attitudes toward using students’ L1 in foreign language classes. Research has paid much attention to using L1 in English as a foreign and second language, but other languages such as Arabic is still under-researched, particularly when distinctive contexts of learning are involved. Thus, in addition to teachers vs. learners’ attitudes, and beginner vs. intermediate learners’ attitudes, the study compares two different contexts: learning Arabic in Arabic speaking (Cairo, Egypt) and non-Arabic speaking (Indiana – USA) countries. Through a triangulation of observation, questionnaires and interviews, the study attempts to explore the black box of attitudes and whether or not learners and teachers believe students’ L1 is useful for Arabic classes. Among the questions the study attempts to answer is whether or not teachers and learners attach any value to L1 use away from its effectiveness, and whether or not the context of learning L2 affects teachers and learners’ attitudes toward L1 use.


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attitude, context of learning, L1, L2, teaching Arabic in Arabic and non-Arabic-speaking countries

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.2887


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