Literacy lessons for the first grades in Kosovo are realized with the help of the "ABC Book". This book aims to enable students to identify and learn letters, sounds, vowels and consonants and to pronounce them correctly, according to the spelling norm. The focus of this study will be: the ABC Books of Qamil Batalli from 1982 to 2007. According to the elaborated content, we will see in how many parts are these ABC Books composed of. Do they have a preparation period and what is its effect on preparing students for reading and writing? The didactic course of one lesson, here I will focus on methods of teaching reading and writing, forms of teaching letters, order of reading and writing, type of writing, etc. The research is a study that describes and compares all these components from one ABC Book to another. On this book depends the success of mastering reading, writing and elementary knowledge, paving the way to a more perfect culture. Will it be easy or difficult for the students to do the reading and writing, this part is on the responsibility of the ABC Book.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.2896
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