Sammanie Upadya Kandambi


This paper investigated a large number of errors found in beginner level Chinese language learners in teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) classroom in secondary education, Sri Lanka. This especially provided an analysis on errors in order to find useful pedagogical implications for Chinese language teaching and writing instructions in TCFL context. Students’ errors related to Chinese sentence structure, prepositions, adverbs, punctuation marks, word choice and measure words were found by the author. The findings suggest that, misuse sentence structure, prepositions and adverbs was the most frequent error among Chinese language beginner learners in Sri Lanka. The teachers who engage in TCFL education should pay attention to all the errors specially, those frequent ones and try to find out what leads to those errors, thus, it is important give effective grammar and writing instructions for Chinese language learners who are in beginner stage to help them with effective Chinese writing.


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beginner level learner, Chinese writing, error analysis, secondary schools, TCFL classroom

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.3010


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