Sammanie Upadya Kandambi


“One belt one road initiative” concept caused to strengthening China – Sri Lanka bilateral relations considerably during last years and as a result of it a vast number of Sri Lankan students are motivated to learn Chinese language based on its significant impact on Contemporary Sri Lankan society. The purpose of learning foreign language is to learn to communicate in the target language. For foreign language educators, it’s quite important to know how to develop learner’s intercultural competency. In foreign language teaching (FLT) in Sri Lanka, the culture teaching is a problem countered by foreign language teachers in both higher and general education system. This paper focuses on an investigation carried out in Sri Lanka into Chinese language teachers’ and learners’ perception of teaching and learning culture in teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) classroom. Furthermore, it describes how teachers perceive culture and language teaching, their students’ attitudes towards the foreign cultures associated with the foreign language they are learning. The outcomes of this study will serve as a guide in designing Chinese culture teaching curricular including authentic intercultural competence teaching and learning in foreign language education, Sri Lanka.


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Chinese culture; foreign language; higher education institutes; Sri Lanka; teaching & learning

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v0i0.3018


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